We are delighted to announce that the Paddy Ashdown Forum with the support of the European Liberal Forum is working on a book of essays on the topic of: “EU and ASEAN – Enhancing the Strategic Partnership”.  

This ground-breaking book will be launched summer 2023.

Why is this topic important?

EU and ASEAN relations date back to 1972. The two blocs share similar goals of promoting trade, sustainable development, peace, and security.  It follows, the project focuses on the relationship between the EU and the ASEAN, which was elevated to that of a Strategic Partnership in 2000, based on “shared values and principles such as rules-based international order, effective and sustainable multilateralism, free and fair trade”.  Together the EU and ASEAN represent approximately 1.1 billion people and about 25% of global economic power. Thus, the project seeks to inform, educate, and enhance mutual understanding across the continents. To rebalance EU foreign policy towards Asia and meet global challenges that face both Europe and Southeast Asia.

Consequently, we seek to explore opportunities to forge deeper understanding, closer, and more systemic collaboration to yield mutual wide-ranging benefits for the EU and ASEAN region:  including international trade, tackling the multiple interdependent impacts of Climate Change, of poverty, promote well-being through people-to-people connectivity. As a result, understand the region better and facilitate strengthening ties between the two blocs.

Call for papers

We wish to invite applications from authors (whether academics, politicians or from business and community spheres) to contribute essays on topics ranging from Trade and Investment, co-operation in areas of Defence and Security, Strengthening Resilience, and Improving Connectivity to human rights (including women’s rights, LGBTQ+, labour rights), disaster prevention / response.  

An overarching liberal and democratic perspective will prevail, with policy recommendations for governments and the thinking public.     

Should you have interest and expertise in any of these subjects and wish to participate as an author please apply to:

Isabelle.pucher@thepaddyashdownforum.org  with your biography and particular topic(s) of interest.  

Authors Publication Guide Lines

Applications close on 15th March 2022.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

Christopher Gleadle

On behalf of PAF and ELF editorial team

The Paddy Ashdown Forum (PAFis a London based think-tank to advance the education of the public in the subject of national and international governance and the application of system thinking in decision making at the interplay of social, economic, and environmental issues.

The European Liberal Forum (ELF) is a Brussels based liberal think tank and political foundation with 47 member organisations across Europe.

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