Christopher Gleadle

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Chris Gleadle

Founder The Paddy Ashdown Forum, The Paddy Ashdown Policy Research Forum, Sustainable Viability, and creator The Sphere Economy. Writer, Speaker, Trainer, Advisor.

Christopher’s experience spans a wide array of topics such as international trade, financial services, production consumption, operations & supply chain management, IT, agriculture, health, energy, water, waste, transport, enterprise risk management, infrastructure, shipping, air and so on…Christopher also has helped shape environmental standards, contributing to The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Product Life Cycle, Scope 3 Technical Guidance, and others (Scopes 1, 2, 3). In addition to his written work, he has served as a keynote speaker and adviser to organisations such as the ASEIC working group on SMEs and appeared at many conferences worldwide further solidifying his standing as a respected professional in the field.

Christopher focuses on simplifying complex problems using a unified systems thinking approach. He applies this approach to both human and natural systems, as well as integrating different types of technologies. He started his career in programming and testing applications. His consultancy has created various tools for analysing impacts, audits, and models, and has worked in different sectors to improve performance, problem-solving, eco-innovation, productivity, and waste reduction strategies. Christopher emphasises understanding how various financial, organisational, environmental, technical, governance, and social factors interact. He aims to minimise conflicts between different functions, disciplines, and talents to make better decisions. His books, such as The Five Essential Steps To Sustainable Viability, contributions, and papers offer ideas for identifying and reducing waste to enhance individual and organisational performance. Creator of The Sphere Economy.

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