20 Jun 2023 - 20 Jun 2023
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
June 2023
As organisations are confronted with increasingly complex challenges and opportunities that are often both disruptive and conflictual, this has exposed the limitations of #efficiency-driven approaches to management, whose best practices have shackled productivity and the performance of individuals and organisations.
The pandemic and subsequent #valuechain crises have curbed robust business processes and underlined the need for greater resilience economically and more broadly. What were, until recently, #ESG issues, in the face of soaring #inflation, product shortages and #climatefailure, have become central questions of business strategy.
This special talk with Christopher Gleadle (Director, The Paddy Ashdown Forum) at #GTRUK in #London today shed light on ‘the sphere economy’ and considered how the greatest transformational changes are found at the interplay of financial, organisational, environmental, technical, and governance eco-systems. Chirstopher also explained how boosting the connectivity of knowledge along the value chain increases the power, success and results of production and consumption relationships within and across geopolitical borders.
Thank you to our speaker!