How do we stop Deforestation?

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27 Apr 2020 - 27 Apr 2020


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

In association with Liberal International British Group

April 27, 2020: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM 

Webinar Online Forum at: Brightalk

The debate is to discuss how to stop deforestation as well as how not to. The range of speakers enables the debate to explore all avenues from environmental, economic, social and legal. Accordingly, the debate will cover the interdependent impacts and the merits of various programmes such as REDD+ (Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) vs EU FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade) and VPAs (Voluntary Partnership Agreements) amongst others.

The event is a debate with four speakers who will discuss deforestation from their point view and expertise. This will open up to the floor for comments and discussion of which there will be many as the speakers do not all share the same views!

The debate is ultimately linked with the EU vision on deforestation and whether current EU plans help or hinder. As such the target audience are those of Liberalism and climate justice.

The intended outcome of the debate is to create ongoing discussion for what best practices for stopping deforestation actually looks like. It follows, that the debate can better inform, and influence, the policy making processes and broaden the decision space of those tasked to make policy decisions with better understood consequences for a sustainably viable future.


Duncan Brack is an environmental policy analyst focused on forest issues. He is an Associate Fellow at Chatham House, and an associate of Forest Trends. From 2010-12 he was Special Advisor to Rt Hon Chris Huhne, UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change. 

Yulia Stange is Senior Manager of the Climate and Forests Programme at Client Earth. In this role, she coordinates and manages the work of the Climate & Forests Programme in Europe, and internationally in West and Central Africa, as well as China. The Programme works to improve forest governance, support forest legal reform, reduce global trade in illegal timber, advocate for regulations that address the overseas impact of forest-risk commodities such as palm oil, soy, cocoa and beef, and strengthen forest provisions in EU free trade agreements. 

Paola Despretz is an Economist at Vivid Economics. She leads Vivid’s statistical and spatial analytical work on the application of Earth Observation and economic risk analysis for the prevention of deforestation in Côte d’Ivoire. ​

Jon Shepard is a Director at Global Development Incubator, where he is overseeing the Emergent Forest Finance Accelerator to overcome barriers for both buyers and sellers on the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) credits market. ​


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