31 Mar 2022 - 31 Mar 2022
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
A Zoom Event organised by Liberal International British Group in association with the Paddy Ashdown Forum.
Date: March 31st 18.30 – 20.00 (GMT) 2022
Ethiopia: atrocities on all sides of the conflict, plus drought and famine.
Eritrea: Africa’s North Korea and its destabilising influence on its neighbours.
Sudan: the early promise of 2019’s democratic revolution is in peril.
The Nile: will the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam provoke conflict?
The Horn: are the global powers’ military bases a force for stability or disruption?
Join experts as they assess the future of this strategically vital African region.

Jan-Christoph Oetjen is a German Member of the European Parliament from the liberal Freie Demokratische Partei. He was elected in 2019. His main work focusses on Transport and Tourism, Migration and Human Rights in Africa. He has previously spearheaded a European Parliament urgency Resolution on Human Rights breaches in Ethiopia in 2020 and on the humanitarian situation in 2021. His most recent resolution was on the political crisis in Sudan.’

Maddy Crowther is Co-Executive Director of Waging Peace, a charity that has campaigned on Sudan since 2004. She is also a wider Horn of Africa expert, giving support to the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Eritrea.

Rebecca Tinsley is a journalist and human rights activist. Her book on Darfur, When The Starts Fall to Earth, is available in English and Arabic. She founded the charity Network for Africa which provides mental health support in post-conflict communities.